Why all the fuss? For most of us, it’s not that big of a deal ... we grab our camera, turn it on, point at our subject and shoot. Pretty simple right? But if modern photography is that simple, and people are really so happy, then why all the photography books, classes, workshops and seminars? Why then, in a world were technological advancements have made capturing an image easier than making a cup of coffee, do we still want more? The answer is simple: pride. We’re missing it ... and we have to get it back.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Spin

Image by
Gail Squires
IFLC member

I have been taking snapshots all my life. I have been fortunate enough to have found Rod and Robin in late October. I was looking for a Photography class that would help me express my vision. I did not want to become a human photocopying machine. The IFLC was exactly what I was looking for. I listen intently and practice a lot. Follow my heart while remembering what Rod and Robin have conveyed. I think being in a group like IFLC helps us grow quickly as we learn from each other and push harder to achieve our goals. Synergy! I have a long way to travel and know that the journey will be a pleasure. I cherish every moment!

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